Crosscanonby St John's CofE School Logo Crosscanonby St John's CofE School 

Mission Statement 

Crosscanonby St John’s Church of England Primary School is a caring community which strives to achieve a common goal. Each child is given the opportunity to fulfil his/her potential, respecting differences and encouraging kindness, consideration and respect. We will endeavour to create a happy and enriching learning environment for everyone involved with our school. 

The aim of the school is to educate children in accordance with their age, ability and aptitude, to ensure a happy school in which children have a positive and self-disciplined approach to their work. 

Thus we aim: 

  • To help pupils develop lively, enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and apply themselves to tasks and physical skills.
  • To help pupils acquire knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast changing world.
  • To help pupils use language and number effectively.
  • To promote respect for religious and moral values and tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.
  • To help pupils understand the world in which they live, and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • To help pupils appreciate human achievements and aspirations.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Mrs Kelly Bowe
Contact Position
Head Teacher and SENco
01900 812326  01900 812326 
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Where to go

Crosscanonby St John's C of E School
Garborough Close

CA15 6RX

View CA15 6RX on a map

We run a Breakfast Club from 8am each day. 


£2  Before School

Local Offer


Crosscanonby St John's school uses the guidelines laid down in the Code of Practice for SEND when planning for children with special educational needs.

The school is aware of all children with SEND, whether or not they have an Education Health care Plan (EHCP). All children with additional needs are closely monitored by staff, with parents being kept informed regularly about progress and the support in place.

The school has a policy for Special Educational Needs and has well established links with Local Authority Specialist Advisory Teachers.

Staff are deployed in school, as appropriate, to ensure that the needs of the children are met.

Contact Name
Mrs Amanda Pitcher
Contact Telephone
01900 812326
Contact Email
Crosscanonby St John's CofE School - SEND School Offer
Local Offer Age Bands

Schools Extended Local Offer Response

How does the setting/school/college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs?

It is important that we identify children with special educational needs so that we can determine what actions to take and not to place children into categories. 

You can talk to any member of staff about your child and class teachers are usually the first person to contact if you have any concerns. The school SENCO is Mrs Amanda Pitcher and she is available to talk to all parents about their child’s needs. 

Children at Crosscanonby St John’s CE School are observed by all staff and progress is tracked by class teachers from the minute they enter school. All staff hold regular discussions about pupils and any concerns are shared immediately with the SENCO and parents. The SENCO, Mrs Amanda Pitcher, is involved in identifying pupils with Special Educational Needs/Disability and is involved in discussions about any concerns staff or parents may have.

If parents have concerns about their child, at any stage of education, they are encouraged to share these with staff and the SENCO and they are involved in all decision making processes.

If school feels it is appropriate they will, with parental permission, seek advice from external specialists; parents again will be fully informed and be part of this process.

How will early years setting/school/college staff support my child/young person?

Pupil reviews are held at least termly and reviews for pupils with identified needs are carried out every term. Staff also discuss provision for pupils with identified needs on a more regular basis, so that additional resources/time can be provided when needed. Staff monitor the impact of any interventions provided and will alter provision as felt necessary.

The school SENCO, Mrs Amanda Pitcher, oversees all Individual Pupil Education Plans and helps staff set targets that are matched to individual pupil need.

Teaching assistants are used to help provide some support in class, but all class teachers are responsible for ensuring that lessons are differentiated so that pupils with SEND are fully included in all aspects of the curriculum. The SENCO provides support to all staff on differentiating lessons.

Parents are kept informed about the provision being made in school, who is involved in supporting their child and all pupils have additional support timetables in place outlining the level of support provided. The support provided changes according to need.

Parents are provided with copies of any IEPs (Individual Education Plans) and are also provided with review comments and new targets; parents are encouraged to discuss these with their children and are also encouraged to add any targets that they think would help their child in school.

The school has a named Governor who is responsible for ensuring that pupils with SEND receive the help and support that they require.      

How will the curriculum be matched to my child's/young person's needs?

All staff are expected to differentiate activities according to need and, in some cases, will offer a completely adapted curriculum if this is felt to be necessary.

At Crosscanonby St John’s CE School we feel it is important that all pupils are actively included in all areas of the curriculum and we work with parents, pupils, external specialists and each other to ensure that this happens on a daily basis.

Identifying needs as early as possible allows us to match the curriculum to individual pupil needs and to provide additional support where needed.

How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child's/young person's learning?

We expect all parents to be fully involved in their child’s education and this is especially important for pupils with SEND. As well as meeting with class teachers on consultation evenings, parents may talk to staff regularly about their child and the SENCO also makes time to keep parents informed about what is happening.

Parents are kept informed about the provision being made in school, who is involved in supporting their child and all pupils have additional support timetables in place outlining the level of support provided. The support provided changes according to need.

Parents are provided with copies of any IEPs (Individual Education Plan) and are also provided with review comments and new targets; parents are encouraged to discuss these with their children and are also encouraged to add any targets that they think would help their child in school. Staff are available to discuss IEP targets with parents.

The progress of children is monitored regularly and every term we formally and informally discuss and record the progress of pupils.

Pupils in Year 1 take part in a phonics screening check.

Pupils are tested at the end of KS1 and KS2.

Some pupils’ progress is assessed using P Scales which show small steps of attainment.

Annual reviews are held for pupils with an EHCP.

Team around the child meetings are held as deemed necessary.

What support will there be for my child's/young person's overall well being?

The school has detailed policies for managing medication in school and for the inclusion of pupils with medical conditions in school. We work alongside healthcare professionals to access training in the administration of medicine as required.

Any pupil with identified behaviour needs has an Individual Behaviour Plan in place with clear strategies and expectations agreed with pupil and parents.

The school has an open door policy and all staff, including the head teacher, are approachable. High priority is given to monitoring pupils’ emotional well-being and parents are encouraged to share with school staff anything that may impact on their child’s well-being in school.

What specialist services and expertise are avaliable at or accessed by the setting/school/college?

School Based Provision
Class teachers.
Teaching assistants.

Specialist Services and Advice
The school has strong links with a range of external specialists. These currently are: Educational Psychologist; Specialist Advisory Teacher for Behaviour; Specialist Advisory Teacher for ASC; Speech Therapists; CAMHS and Barnardos.  

What training have the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had? Are any being trained currently?

Staff from the above agencies work with school staff to provide strategies to help pupils and they help set targets.

All school staff are expected to include pupils with SEND and attend relevant training.

The SENCO attends all briefings provided about SEND.

One member of staff has received training in team teach techniques.

How will my child/young person be included in activities outside this classroom including school trips?

The school makes reasonable adjustments to ensure that all pupils are able to access all off site activities and we liaise with any off site providers prior to visits. When planning off site activities the school gives due regard to the needs of all pupils within the class and we seek involvement from parents. We identify any additional support that may be required and we are able to make adjustments to staffing should the need arise. If necessary then parents are able to come along to help out on off site visits and we do discuss any potential difficulties with parents before making decisions about off site activities.  

How accessible is the setting/school/college enviroment?

All teaching areas are on ground floor level and provide wheelchair access.

All entrances are at floor level.

The school will provide written information in alternative formats if this is required.

The school has an access plan and this is reviewed every year.

How will the setting/school/college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting/school/college or the next stage of education and life?

If we are made aware of pupils with SEND prior to entry to Crosscanonby St John’s CE School the SENCO and the Early Years teacher will visit the child’s pre-school setting and meet with parents and staff to discuss any additional provision required and to put a plan in place to ensure transition is a smooth, stress free process. Extra visits to school can be arranged as part of this.

Crosscanonby St John’s CE School has good links with local secondary schools and extended transition plans are put in place for pupils with SEND. We invite the parents, child and secondary school SENCO to attend transition reviews when pupils are in Years 5 and 6 and as a group we put together a transition plan. We also make sure we take social issues into consideration when preparing transition plans. Key information and any IEP targets are shared with secondary

How are the setting's/school's/college's resources allocated and matched to children's/young people's special educational needs?

We are very proud of the fact that all pupils with additional needs receive the help they require whether they attract funding or not. We aim to provide additional help to our pupils and the school manages its budget carefully to ensure that we can meet the provision we think is required, in addition to using funds delegated by the LA for SEND.

Parents of pupils who have an Education Health Care plan are fully involved in annual reviews.


How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive?

If staff feel that at child has SEND we will hold conversations with parents/guardians to build up a full picture of the child's needs. Parents are encouraged to work in partnership with the school to set targets, develop an action plan and agree outcomes and time scales. If school felt further advice or input is required over and above what is offered in school then the SENCO would inform parents formally of this and no decisions would be made without full input from parents and, where appropriate, the child.

For pupils who require more than school based support we will, with parental permission and involvement, carry out an Early Help Assessment to access support from specialist staff from external agencies; these could include specialist advisory teachers, health professionals and educational psychologists. As a team we determine, discuss, implement and review strategies to support the child in school and if it is felt necessary would seek to carry out further diagnostic tests. If it was necessary then an Education Health Care Plan would be drawn up by all involved parties.

Parents are kept informed at every step and the SENCO works with parents to help them understand the processes involved. Regular reviews or progress are help in school and parents are included in these. 

How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved?

Regular contact with your child’s class teacher is encouraged.

The SENCO will make regular contact to make sure you are happy with the support being offered.

IEP targets will be shared with you.

A home school book may be used to share information.

Regular team around the child meetings are held so that you can contribute towards your child’s learning.


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